Why Digital Garden Concept?
I code professional web user interfaces for my day job for the past 10+ years. So when it comes to my website, I have the freedom to play with code to spark creativity. I've spun up blogs throughout my career and abandoned them. I found their concept and information design restrictive. Blogs and portfolio sites do not represent all the dimensions of who I am and my interests.
- always a work in progress which mirrors my journey in life
- inspirations and notes are like seeds.
- seeds may grow into seedlings and some may stay dormant
- inspirations and notes may grow into ideas,
- ideas may turn into experiments and potential projects
- some seedlings may blossom and some may not
- a garden is never complete and requires tending to
- a garden can have many sections interconnecting
- a mini garden within a garden i.e. TIL notes and this sketchbook are two different gardens
Compliments well with:
- learning/making/working in public paradigm
- Indie Web principles
- sketchnoting and bullet journaling
- maker's mindset